Exploring our Behaviour Patterns

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Course Highlights:
  • Delivery Method: Virtual
  • Day & Time: Mondays at 2:15PM - 3:15PM 
  • Course Start: May 27, 2024
  • Number of Sessions: 3
  • Course Materials: Instructor will provide educational material electronically. 
Course Description:
In this course, we will reflect on our lifestyle patterns, and the coping behaviours we may be using. This course will provide a brief overview of what dependency is related to behaviours, and what it looks like for individuals who experience substance use and/or other dependencies such as eating, exercise, phone-use, etc.  
Learning Goals:
  • Discuss definitions of dependency
  • Investigate our own behaviour and dependency patterns
  • Explore ways to manage our behaviours and dependency patterns
Course Co-Production:
Sign up for our "Co-Production Session" to give your feedback about what you would like to learn in this course, ideas for learning goals and course content, and any other helpful information which will assist in how the course is designed and developed. Sign-up for the "Exploring Our Behaviour Patterns" Course Co-Production Session here!

Course Contents