Learning How to Say No

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Course Highlights:
  • Delivery Method: Virtual
  • Day & Time: Fridays at 11:00AM - 12:00PM 
  • Course Start: May 10, 2024
  • Number of Sessions: 5
  • Course Facilitator: Tim Powell 
  • Job Role: Peer Support Worker
Course Description:
This course will look at the different types of people pleasers, and explore ways in which to respectfully say no when negotiating our boundaries.

Learning Objectives:
  • To understand and recognize the different types of people pleasers 
  • To learn how to say no, when needed, in a respectful manner when negotiating boundaries  

Course Co-Production:
Sign up for our "Co-Production Session" to give your feedback about what you would like to learn in this course, ideas for learning goals and course content, and any other helpful information which will assist in how the course is designed and developed. Sign-up for the "Leaning How to Say No" Course Co-Production Session here!

Course Contents